    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE,
    include = TRUE,
    error = TRUE,
    fig.width = 8,
    fig.height = 4

Load dependencies and preprocessed datasets


sim_pop_sample_with_draws <- readRDS("data/simulated/sim_pop_sample_with_draws.rds")

options(scipen = 999,
        digits = 4)

# windowsFonts(Times = windowsFont("Times New Roman"))
theme_set(theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "Times"))

# exclude first twins to avoid twin dependency issues and add variable containing the age groups from the manual
tl_no_1st_twins <- tl %>% 
 filter(ptyp != 1)

1 MRP predictions vs. raw means

1.1 Age group means and SDs

means_sds_and_ses_MRP <- sim_pop_sample_with_draws %>%
  group_by(age, .draw) %>% 
  summarise(mean_prediction = mean(.prediction), 
            sd_prediction = sd(.prediction)) %>%
  group_by(age) %>% 
  summarise(MRP_mean = mean(mean_prediction), 
            MRP_se_of_mean = sd(mean_prediction), 
            MRP_sd = sqrt(mean(sd_prediction^2)), 
            MRP_se_of_sd = sd(sd_prediction)) 

means_sds_and_ses_tl <- tl_no_1st_twins %>% 
  group_by(age0100) %>% 
  summarise(Raw_n = n(), 
            Raw_mean = mean(cft, na.rm = T), 
            Raw_sd = sd(cft, na.rm = T), 
            Raw_se_of_mean = Raw_sd/sqrt(Raw_n)) %>% 
  rename(age = age0100)

means_ns_sds_and_ses <- means_sds_and_ses_MRP%>% 
  left_join(means_sds_and_ses_tl, by = "age") %>% 
  filter(age <= 65) 

# Here you can browse both MRP and raw means, SDs, and SEs.
means_ns_sds_and_ses %>% 
  mutate(age = as.integer(age)) %>% 
  DT::datatable() %>% 
  DT::formatRound(columns = names(means_ns_sds_and_ses)[-c(1, 6)], digits = 2)

1.2 Plot means

means_ns_sds_and_ses_plot <- means_ns_sds_and_ses%>%
  pivot_longer(-age, names_to = c("source", ".value"), names_pattern = "([^_]*)_(.*)")

means_ns_sds_and_ses_plot  %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(age), y = mean, group = source, colour = source)) +
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(12, 64, by = 2),
                   expand = expansion(add = c(0, 5))) + 
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_pointrange(shape = 18, 
                  aes(ymin = mean - 1.96*se_of_mean, ymax = mean + 1.96*se_of_mean), 
                  fatten = 3,
                  linewidth = 1,
                  position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
    data = means_ns_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age == 65),
    aes(label = source), family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_x = 1, hjust = 0) +
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#0072b2", "#e69f00")) +
  labs(x = "Age", y = "Mean CFT 20-R Score")

1.3 Overall mean differences

means_ns_sds_and_ses <- means_ns_sds_and_ses %>% 
  mutate(dif = MRP_mean - Raw_mean,
         abs_dif = abs(MRP_mean - Raw_mean))

## [1] -1.173
## [1] 1.58
t.test(means_ns_sds_and_ses$Raw_mean, means_ns_sds_and_ses$MRP_mean)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  means_ns_sds_and_ses$Raw_mean and means_ns_sds_and_ses$MRP_mean
## t = 2.4, df = 108, p-value = 0.02
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1944 2.1515
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##     36.80     35.63

On average an absolute difference of ~ fifth of an SD between raw and corrected means.

1.4 Plot SDs

means_ns_sds_and_ses_plot %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = as.factor(age), y = sd, group = source, colour = source)) +
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(12, 64, by = 2),
                   expand = expansion(add = c(0, 5))) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_pointrange(shape = 18, 
                  aes(ymin = sd - 1.96*se_of_sd, ymax = sd + 1.96*se_of_sd), 
                  fatten = 6,
                  linewidth = 1.5,
                  position = position_dodge(width = 0.3)) +
    data = means_ns_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age == 65),
    aes(label = source), family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_x = 2, hjust = 0) +
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#0072b2", "#e69f00")) +
  labs(x = "Age", y = "CFT 20-R Score SD")

2 MRP norms vs. manual norms vs. raw estimates

Here we compare the MRP-based norms to the traditionally constructed norms reported in the CFT 20-R manual. We aggregate by the age groups as reported in the manual normal tables. Note that the manual means and SDs for ages 20 and older are based on the very same TwinLife sample we are using, they just use a different correction method that isn’t described in enough detail to make it reproducible for us.

2.1 Means

means_sds_and_ses_MRP <- sim_pop_sample_with_draws  %>% 
  mutate(age_group = case_when(
                         age == 11 ~ '11',
                         age == 12 ~ '12',
                         age == 13 ~ '13',
                         age == 14 ~ '14',
                         age == 15 ~ '15',
                         age == 16 ~ '16',
                         age >= 17 & age <= 19 ~ '17-19',
                         age >= 20 & age <= 24 ~ '20-24',
                         age >= 25 & age <= 29 ~ '25-29',
                         age >= 30 & age <= 34 ~ '30-34',
                         age >= 35 & age <= 39 ~ '35-39',
                         age >= 40 & age <= 44 ~ '40-44',
                         age >= 45 & age <= 49 ~ '45-49',
                         age >= 50 & age <= 54 ~ '50-54',
                         age >= 55 & age <= 59 ~ '55-59',
                         age >= 60 & age <= 64 ~ '60-64',
                         TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>% 
  group_by(age_group, .draw) %>%
    summarise(mean_prediction = mean(.prediction), sd_prediction = sd(.prediction)) %>%
    summarise(MRP_mean = mean(mean_prediction),
              MRP_se_of_mean = sd(mean_prediction),
              MRP_sd = sqrt(mean(sd_prediction^2)),
              MRP_se_of_sd = sd(sd_prediction)) %>% 

means_sds_and_ses_tl <- tl_no_1st_twins %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(age_group) %>% 
  summarise(Raw_n = n(), 
            Raw_mean = mean(cft, na.rm = T), 
            Raw_sd = sd(cft, na.rm = T), 
            Raw_se_of_mean = Raw_sd/sqrt(Raw_n)) 

means_sds_and_ses <- means_sds_and_ses_MRP %>%
  left_join(means_sds_and_ses_tl, by = "age_group") %>% 
  left_join(manual_norms, by = "age_group")

means_sds_and_ses_plot <- means_sds_and_ses  %>% 
  pivot_longer(-age_group, names_to = c("source", ".value"), names_pattern = "([^_]*)_(.*)")

# means and CIs
means_sds_and_ses_plot %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = age_group, y = mean, group = source, colour = source)) +
  scale_x_discrete(expand = expansion(add = c(0, 2))) + 
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_pointrange(shape = 18, 
                  aes(ymin = mean - 1.96*se_of_mean, ymax = mean + 1.96*se_of_mean), 
                  fatten = 6,
                  linewidth = 1.5,
                  position = position_dodge(width = 0.3))  +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#009e73", "#0072b2", "#e69f00")) +
    data = means_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age_group == "60-64"),
    aes(label = c("MRP", "Raw", "")), 
    family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_x = .5, hjust = 0) + 
  labs(x = "Age Group", y = "Mean CFT 20-R Score") +
    data = means_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age_group == "14"),
    aes(label = c("", "", "Manual, school sample")), 
    family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_y = 2.5) +
    data = means_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age_group == "40-44"),
    aes(label = c("", "", "Manual, TwinLife sample")), 
    family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_y = -2.5) +
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3),
    legend.position = "none"
  )  + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 7.5)

2.2 SDs

means_sds_and_ses_plot %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = age_group, y = sd, group = source, colour = source)) +
  scale_x_discrete(expand = expansion(add = c(0, 2))) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_pointrange(shape = 18, 
                  aes(ymin = sd - 1.96*se_of_sd, ymax = sd + 1.96*se_of_sd), 
                  fatten = 6,
                  linewidth = 1.5,
                  position = position_dodge(width = 0.3))  +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#009e73", "#0072b2", "#e69f00")) +
    data = means_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age_group == "60-64"),
    aes(label = c("MRP", "Raw", "")), 
    family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_x = .5, hjust = 0) + 
  labs(x = "Age Group", y = "Mean CFT 20-R Score") +
    data = means_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age_group == "14"),
    aes(label = c("", "", "Manual, school sample")), 
    family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_y = -.5, nudge_x = -.5) +
    data = means_sds_and_ses_plot %>% filter(age_group == "40-44"),
    aes(label = c("", "", "Manual, TwinLife sample")), 
    family = "Times", seed = 810, nudge_y = .5) +
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 7.5) + 
  labs(x = "Age Group", y = "CFT 20-R Score SD") 

2.3 IQ calculations

Rather than calculating IQs for all possible CFT 20-R scores (0-56), we restrict our calculations to those which occur in our data.

2.3.1 Linearly transformed IQs

iq <- function(cft_score, mean, sd) {
  iq_score <- ((cft_score - mean) / sd) * 15 + 100

iqs_linear <- tl_no_1st_twins %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(age_group, cft) %>% 
  summarise(n()) %>% 
  select(age_group, cft) %>% 
  left_join(select(means_sds_and_ses, c(Manual_mean, MRP_mean, Manual_sd, MRP_sd, age_group)), by = "age_group") %>% 
  mutate(MRP_IQ_linear = round(iq(cft, MRP_mean, MRP_sd)),
         Manual_IQ_linear = round(iq(cft, Manual_mean, Manual_sd)),
         IQ_linear_dif = MRP_IQ_linear - Manual_IQ_linear,
         IQ_linear_dif_abs = abs(MRP_IQ_linear - Manual_IQ_linear)) %>% 
  rename("raw_score" = cft)

2.3.2 Normalised (area transformed / normal rank transformed) IQs

iqs_normalised <- sim_pop_sample_with_draws %>% 
  mutate(raw_score = .prediction,
         age_group = case_when(
                         age == 11 ~ '11',
                         age == 12 ~ '12',
                         age == 13 ~ '13',
                         age == 14 ~ '14',
                         age == 15 ~ '15',
                         age == 16 ~ '16',
                         age >= 17 & age <= 19 ~ '17-19',
                         age >= 20 & age <= 24 ~ '20-24',
                         age >= 25 & age <= 29 ~ '25-29',
                         age >= 30 & age <= 34 ~ '30-34',
                         age >= 35 & age <= 39 ~ '35-39',
                         age >= 40 & age <= 44 ~ '40-44',
                         age >= 45 & age <= 49 ~ '45-49',
                         age >= 50 & age <= 54 ~ '50-54',
                         age >= 55 & age <= 59 ~ '55-59',
                         age >= 60 & age <= 64 ~ '60-64',
                         TRUE ~ NA_character_)) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  group_by(age_group, .draw) %>%
  mutate(n = n(),
         normal_transformed_score = qnorm((rank(raw_score) - 0.5) / n)) %>%
  mutate(iq_score = normal_transformed_score * 15 + 100) %>%
  group_by(age_group, raw_score) %>%
  summarise(MRP_IQ_normalised = round(mean(iq_score)),
            MRP_IQ_normalised_se = sd(iq_score))

Model-based SEs for the normalised MRP IQs Another advantage over traditional norming is that here we can calculate SEs for each norm IQ score, which can be considered in individual diagnostics. Here we show that SEs at the tail of the distribution have larger SEs because those are based on less data.

iqs_normalised %>% 
  mutate(at_tail = ifelse(MRP_IQ_normalised <= 70 | MRP_IQ_normalised >= 130, TRUE, FALSE)) %>% 
  group_by(at_tail) %>% 
  summarise(mean_SE = mean(MRP_IQ_normalised_se))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   at_tail mean_SE
##   <lgl>     <dbl>
## 1 FALSE     0.691
## 2 TRUE      1.87

2.3.3 Some aggregated comparisons between MRP and Manual IQs

iq_table <- iqs_linear %>% 
  left_join(iqs_normalised, by = c("age_group", "raw_score")) %>% 
  mutate(IQ_MRP_abs_dif = abs(MRP_IQ_linear - MRP_IQ_normalised),
         Manual_kids_sample = ifelse(age_group %in% c("11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17-19"), TRUE, FALSE)) 

## [1] 4.441
## [1] 0.8998
iq_table %>% group_by(Manual_kids_sample) %>% summarise(mean(IQ_linear_dif_abs))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   Manual_kids_sample `mean(IQ_linear_dif_abs)`
##   <lgl>                                  <dbl>
## 1 FALSE                                   2.31
## 2 TRUE                                    7.67

3 Session info

## R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Rocky Linux 8.8 (Green Obsidian)
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS/LAPACK: /software/all/FlexiBLAS/3.2.1-GCC-12.2.0/lib64/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
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##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils     methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] ggrepel_0.9.4   forcats_1.0.0   stringr_1.5.1   dplyr_1.1.4    
##  [5] purrr_1.0.2     readr_2.1.4     tidyr_1.3.0     tibble_3.2.1   
##  [9] ggplot2_3.4.4   tidyverse_1.3.2
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_1.0.11         lubridate_1.9.3     digest_0.6.33      
##  [4] utf8_1.2.4          R6_2.5.1            cellranger_1.1.0   
##  [7] backports_1.4.1     reprex_2.0.2        evaluate_0.23      
## [10] highr_0.10          httr_1.4.7          pillar_1.9.0       
## [13] rlang_1.1.2         googlesheets4_1.1.1 readxl_1.4.3       
## [16] rstudioapi_0.15.0   jquerylib_0.1.4     DT_0.30            
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## [22] htmlwidgets_1.6.3   munsell_0.5.0       broom_1.0.5        
## [25] compiler_4.2.2      modelr_0.1.11       xfun_0.41          
## [28] pkgconfig_2.0.3     htmltools_0.5.7     tidyselect_1.2.0   
## [31] fansi_1.0.5         crayon_1.5.2        tzdb_0.4.0         
## [34] dbplyr_2.4.0        withr_2.5.2         grid_4.2.2         
## [37] jsonlite_1.8.7      gtable_0.3.4        lifecycle_1.0.4    
## [40] DBI_1.1.3           magrittr_2.0.3      scales_1.2.1       
## [43] cli_3.6.1           stringi_1.8.2       cachem_1.0.8       
## [46] farver_2.1.1        renv_1.0.3          fs_1.6.3           
## [49] xml2_1.3.5          bslib_0.6.0         ellipsis_0.3.2     
## [52] generics_0.1.3      vctrs_0.6.4         tools_4.2.2        
## [55] glue_1.6.2          hms_1.1.3           crosstalk_1.2.1    
## [58] fastmap_1.1.1       yaml_2.3.7          timechange_0.2.0   
## [61] colorspace_2.1-0    gargle_1.5.2        rvest_1.0.3        
## [64] knitr_1.45          haven_2.5.3         sass_0.4.7