    message = FALSE,
    warning = FALSE,
    include = TRUE,
    error = TRUE,
    fig.width = 8,
    fig.height = 4

1 Load dependencies and required datasets

If you don’t have access to the TwinLife data, comment out the “preprocessed TwinLife data” chunk and run the “synthetic TwinLife data” chunk instead. IMPORTANT: If you’re using the synthetic dataset, not all analyses will reproduce those based on the actual data because synthpop does not model interactions between variables.

1.1 Required packages and options


# depending on the platform on which you want to run the brm you might need this or not. We ran the models on a Linux-operated server, cmdstanr version 0.5.3
options(mc.cores = 4,
        brms.backend = "cmdstanr")

options(scipen = 999,
        digits = 4)

# windowsFonts(Times = windowsFont("Times New Roman"))
theme_set(theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "Times"))

1.2 Preprocessed TwinLife data


# exclude first twins to avoid twin dependency issues and add variable containing the age groups from the manual
tl_no_1st_twins <- tl %>%
 filter(ptyp != 1)

1.3 Synthetic TwinLife data

# load("data/preprocessed/census.Rda")
# load("data/preprocessed/census_marginals.Rda")
# load("data/simulated/synthetic_tl.Rda")

# tl_no_1st_twins <- synthetic_tl 

2 Distributional disparities

Before applying MRP to correct estimates (be it for norming or other purposes), it’s worthwhile to check if there are any differences between the sample and the population (on which we have data from the census) with respect to the variables we wish to use for the correction. Here we first look at disparities at the level of marginal distributions (e.g., is the overall proportion of males to females similar in our sample to the population?), then at the joint distribution level (e.g., are female citizens with no migration background, aged 67, who have a general secondary school certificate as well represented in our sample as in the population?).

2.1 Marginal

One plot for age and one for the three other variables.

# Custom sorting function
custom_sort <- function(x) {
  st_categories <- x[startsWith(x, "ST")]
  isced_categories <- x[startsWith(x, "ISCED")]
  other_categories <- x[!startsWith(x, "ST") & !startsWith(x, "ISCED")]
  factor(x, levels = c(sort(st_categories), sort(isced_categories), other_categories))

# get the marginal distributions from the census and the TL sample
disparities_plot <- census %>% 
  full_join(tl_no_1st_twins %>% 
  group_by(age0100, male, educ, mig) %>% 
  summarise(sample_n = n()) %>% 
  rename(age = "age0100") %>% 
  mutate(sample_n = as.numeric(sample_n)), by = c("age", "male", "educ", "mig")) %>% 
  mutate(sample_n = replace_na(sample_n, 0)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(census_n:sample_n), names_to = "source", values_to = "n") %>% 
  mutate(age = as.character(age),
         male = as.character(male),
         source = str_sub(source, 1, -3)) %>% 
pivot_longer(cols = -c(n, source), names_to = "variable", values_to = "category") %>% 
  group_by(source, variable, category) %>% 
  summarise(n = sum(n)) %>% 
  mutate(percentage = n/sum(n)*100) %>% 
  filter(source == "sample") %>% 
  bind_rows(census_marginals) %>%
  mutate(category = case_when(
    category == "TRUE" ~ "Male",
    category == "FALSE" ~ "Female",
    TRUE ~ category)) %>% 
  mutate(category = custom_sort(category))

# plot age disparities
disparities_plot %>%
  filter(variable == "age") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = category, y = percentage, group = source, colour = source, label = round(percentage, digits = 1))) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  facet_grid(cols = vars(variable), scales = "free", space = 'free', as.table = FALSE,
             labeller = labeller(variable = function(variable) {
                 variable == "age" ~ "Age",
                 TRUE ~ as.character(variable))})) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        legend.position = c(1, 1.08),  #
        legend.justification = c(1, 1), 
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3)) + 
  labs(x = "Category", y = "Percentage", colour = "", label = "Percentage") +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#0072b2", "#e69f00"), labels = function(x) str_to_title(x)) +
  scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(12, 79, by = 2))

disparities_plot %>%
  filter(variable != "age") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = category, y = percentage, group = source, colour = source, label = round(percentage, digits = 1))) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
 # theme_minimal(base_size = 14, base_family = "Times") +
    cols = vars(variable),
    scales = "free",
    space = 'free',
    as.table = FALSE,
    labeller = labeller(variable = function(variable) {
        variable == "educ" ~ "School Type / ISCED 1997 Code",
        variable == "male" ~ "Sex",
        variable == "mig" ~ "Migration",
        TRUE ~ as.character(variable))})) +
   theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        legend.position = c(1, 1.1),  #
        legend.justification = c(1, 1), 
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = NA),
         panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
         panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
         panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3)) + 
  labs(x = "Category", y = "Percentage", colour = "", label = "Percentage") +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#0072b2", "#e69f00"), labels = function(x) str_to_title(x))+
  labs(x = "Category", y = "Percentage", colour = "", label = "Percentage") +
  geom_text_repel(family = "Times", seed = 14, point.padding = 2, direction = "y", hjust = 0)

Besides the obvious age disparities due to the cohort design adopted to collect the data for the TwinLife sample, we also see that our sample is “overeducated” in the sense that for example we have too many kids who were going to the Gymnasium (ST4: upper secondary) and too few adults who have something similar to an Ausbildungsabschluss (ISCED 3b: upper secondary, vocational). Migrants and females are also overrepresented in the sample.

2.2 Joint

You can use this interactive table to browse disparities at the level of joint distributions, ordered after magnitude. Note that this table has 6528 rows (number of subgroups/combinations of the 4 variables we use). Most of these subgroups are empty in the sample.

census %>% 
  full_join(tl_no_1st_twins %>% 
  group_by(age0100, male, educ, mig) %>% 
  summarise(sample_n = n()) %>% 
  rename(age = "age0100") %>% 
  mutate(sample_n = as.numeric(sample_n)), by = c("age", "male", "educ", "mig")) %>% 
  # set the subgroups which are empty in the sample to 0 instead of NA
  mutate(sample_n = replace_na(sample_n, 0)) %>% 
  group_by(age, male, educ, mig) %>% 
  summarise(census_n = sum(census_n),
            sample_n = sum(sample_n)) %>% 
  group_by(age) %>% 
  mutate(census_percentage = census_n*100/sum(census_n),
         sample_percentage = sample_n*100/sum(sample_n),
         dif_percentage = census_percentage-sample_percentage,
         relative_dif = dif_percentage*census_n/100,
         age = as.integer(age)) %>% 
  relocate(census_percentage, .after = "census_n") %>%
  arrange(-relative_dif) %>% DT::datatable() %>% 
  DT::formatRound(c('dif_percentage', 'relative_dif', 'census_percentage', 'sample_percentage'), digits = 1)

3 Regularised prediction model

This is the MR part of MRP.

3.1 Fit the model

Terms of this form (1 | variable) represent random intercepts, (male) was included as a fixed effect to avoid estimation problems due to the small number of categories, s(age) is a thin plate spline of age, and s(age, by = educ) fits a separate spline of age within each category of educ. We don’t include this latter term in the \(\sigma\) prediction part of the model because it is unnecessarily complex given the heterogeneity in the variance and it leads to a lot of divergent transitions.

3.1.1 On the TwinLife data

brm_age_by_educ <-
      cft ~ (1 | mig)  + (male)  + (1 | mig:male) + (1 | mig:educ) + (1 | male:educ) + (1 | mig:educ:male) + s(age, by = educ),
      sigma ~ (1 | mig) + (1 | educ) + (male)  + (1 | mig:male) + (1 | mig:educ) + (1 | male:educ) + (1 | mig:educ:male) + s(age)),
      family = gaussian(),
      chains = 4,
      iter = 5000,
      seed = 810,
      control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
      file = "../unshareable_data/brms/brm_age_by_educ_18_delta_99_5000",
      file_refit = "never",
      data = tl_no_1st_twins) %>% 

3.1.2 On the synthetic data

# brm_age_by_educ <-
#   brm(bf(
#       cft ~ (1 | mig)  + (male)  + (1 | mig:male) + (1 | mig:educ) + (1 | male:educ) + (1 | mig:educ:male) + s(age, by = educ),
#       sigma ~ (1 | mig) + (1 | educ) + (male)  + (1 | mig:male) + (1 | mig:educ) + (1 | male:educ) + (1 | mig:educ:male) + s(age)),
#       family = gaussian(),
#       chains = 4,
#       iter = 5000,
#       seed = 14,
#       control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
#       file = "data/brms/brm_age_by_educ_18_delta_99_5000_synth",
#       file_refit = "never",
#       data = tl_no_1st_twins) %>%
#   add_criterion("loo")

# alternatively, load the .rds file for the model we ran on the synthetic data
# brm_age_by_educ <- readRDS("data/brms/brm_age_by_educ_18_delta_99_5000_synth.rds")

3.2 Some model exploration

3.2.1 Summary

## Warning: There were 2 divergent transitions after warmup. Increasing
## adapt_delta above 0.99 may help. See
##  Family: gaussian 
##   Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
## Formula: cft ~ (1 | mig) + (male) + (1 | mig:male) + (1 | mig:educ) + (1 | male:educ) + (1 | mig:educ:male) + s(age, by = educ) 
##          sigma ~ (1 | mig) + (1 | educ) + (male) + (1 | mig:male) + (1 | mig:educ) + (1 | male:educ) + (1 | mig:educ:male) + s(age)
##    Data: tl_no_1st_twins (Number of observations: 10059) 
##   Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 5000; warmup = 2500; thin = 1;
##          total post-warmup draws = 10000
## Smooth Terms: 
##                                                   Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI
## sds(sageeducISCED3b:Uppersecondaryvocational_1)      10.54      4.39     4.62
## sds(sageeducISCED1:Primary_1)                        21.34     15.41     2.21
## sds(sageeducISCED2:Lowersecondary_1)                 15.50      8.69     2.99
## sds(sageeducISCED3a:Uppersecondarygeneral_1)         12.29     10.27     0.43
## sds(sageeducISCED4:PostMsecondary_1)                  9.90      5.18     2.71
## sds(sageeducISCED5a:Tertiarye.g.college_1)           11.41      6.57     3.87
## sds(sageeducISCED5b:Tertiarye.g.Berufsakademie_1)    10.67      4.53     4.74
## sds(sageeducISCED6:PhD_1)                            12.87      7.81     1.35
## sds(sageeducST1:Primary_1)                            9.80     10.82     0.30
## sds(sageeducST2:Lowersecondary_1)                    12.57     11.58     0.42
## sds(sageeducST3:Intermediatesecondary_1)             29.63     20.89     8.77
## sds(sageeducST4:Uppersecondary_1)                    36.37     18.50    16.00
## sds(sageeducST5:Comprehensiveschool_1)               37.65     24.82    14.80
## sds(sageeducST6:Otherschool_1)                       30.13     16.43    11.34
## sds(sageeducST7:Nolongeratschool_1)                  16.09     18.84     0.39
## sds(sigma_sage_1)                                     0.22      0.21     0.01
##                                                   u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS
## sds(sageeducISCED3b:Uppersecondaryvocational_1)      21.38 1.00     2711
## sds(sageeducISCED1:Primary_1)                        60.78 1.00      986
## sds(sageeducISCED2:Lowersecondary_1)                 37.14 1.00     1513
## sds(sageeducISCED3a:Uppersecondarygeneral_1)         38.03 1.00     1754
## sds(sageeducISCED4:PostMsecondary_1)                 22.42 1.00     2954
## sds(sageeducISCED5a:Tertiarye.g.college_1)           28.69 1.00     1973
## sds(sageeducISCED5b:Tertiarye.g.Berufsakademie_1)    21.80 1.00     3578
## sds(sageeducISCED6:PhD_1)                            31.82 1.00     1559
## sds(sageeducST1:Primary_1)                           38.46 1.00     2726
## sds(sageeducST2:Lowersecondary_1)                    40.56 1.00     2367
## sds(sageeducST3:Intermediatesecondary_1)             85.67 1.00     1577
## sds(sageeducST4:Uppersecondary_1)                    85.05 1.00     3546
## sds(sageeducST5:Comprehensiveschool_1)              100.68 1.00     1785
## sds(sageeducST6:Otherschool_1)                       72.64 1.00     1927
## sds(sageeducST7:Nolongeratschool_1)                  69.60 1.01     1166
## sds(sigma_sage_1)                                     0.76 1.00     1897
##                                                   Tail_ESS
## sds(sageeducISCED3b:Uppersecondaryvocational_1)       3510
## sds(sageeducISCED1:Primary_1)                         1460
## sds(sageeducISCED2:Lowersecondary_1)                  1633
## sds(sageeducISCED3a:Uppersecondarygeneral_1)          2595
## sds(sageeducISCED4:PostMsecondary_1)                  2550
## sds(sageeducISCED5a:Tertiarye.g.college_1)            2467
## sds(sageeducISCED5b:Tertiarye.g.Berufsakademie_1)     5688
## sds(sageeducISCED6:PhD_1)                             1074
## sds(sageeducST1:Primary_1)                            3477
## sds(sageeducST2:Lowersecondary_1)                     3173
## sds(sageeducST3:Intermediatesecondary_1)              1556
## sds(sageeducST4:Uppersecondary_1)                     3611
## sds(sageeducST5:Comprehensiveschool_1)                1274
## sds(sageeducST6:Otherschool_1)                        1784
## sds(sageeducST7:Nolongeratschool_1)                    982
## sds(sigma_sage_1)                                     2317
## Group-Level Effects: 
## ~male:educ (Number of levels: 30) 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)           3.25      0.85     1.96     5.26 1.00      931     1554
## sd(sigma_Intercept)     0.02      0.01     0.00     0.05 1.00     2438     3885
## ~mig (Number of levels: 6) 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)           2.87      1.26     1.38     6.05 1.00     2342     4242
## sd(sigma_Intercept)     0.06      0.05     0.00     0.18 1.00     1311     1893
## ~mig:educ (Number of levels: 89) 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)           0.62      0.27     0.08     1.16 1.00     1124      919
## sd(sigma_Intercept)     0.09      0.02     0.05     0.13 1.00     1621     1637
## ~mig:educ:male (Number of levels: 175) 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)           0.45      0.25     0.03     0.95 1.00     1021     2461
## sd(sigma_Intercept)     0.02      0.02     0.00     0.06 1.00     1645     2079
## ~mig:male (Number of levels: 12) 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(Intercept)           0.29      0.30     0.01     1.11 1.00     2925     3699
## sd(sigma_Intercept)     0.03      0.02     0.00     0.09 1.00     2328     3200
## ~educ (Number of levels: 15) 
##                     Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## sd(sigma_Intercept)     0.05      0.03     0.00     0.12 1.00     1143     1311
## Population-Level Effects: 
##                                               Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI
## Intercept                                        36.54      1.73    33.21
## sigma_Intercept                                   1.96      0.04     1.87
## maleTRUE                                          1.02      1.24    -1.45
## sigma_maleTRUE                                    0.01      0.03    -0.06
## sage:educISCED3b:Uppersecondaryvocational_1     -40.11     24.82   -94.69
## sage:educISCED1:Primary_1                       -90.52     79.46  -296.65
## sage:educISCED2:Lowersecondary_1                -56.11     45.94  -168.94
## sage:educISCED3a:Uppersecondarygeneral_1        -36.68     38.86  -140.39
## sage:educISCED4:PostMsecondary_1                -23.34     25.53   -78.79
## sage:educISCED5a:Tertiarye.g.college_1           -9.77     30.89   -54.58
## sage:educISCED5b:Tertiarye.g.Berufsakademie_1   -20.98     25.23   -72.52
## sage:educISCED6:PhD_1                             1.14     37.34   -58.33
## sage:educST1:Primary_1                           36.89     36.17   -37.55
## sage:educST2:Lowersecondary_1                    64.91     45.10   -26.98
## sage:educST3:Intermediatesecondary_1             66.80    100.64  -111.45
## sage:educST4:Uppersecondary_1                    46.65    103.78  -155.86
## sage:educST5:Comprehensiveschool_1               36.88    137.36  -223.34
## sage:educST6:Otherschool_1                       50.42     92.40  -145.93
## sage:educST7:Nolongeratschool_1                  31.07     71.77   -86.37
## sigma_sage_1                                      0.11      0.55    -0.96
##                                               u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
## Intercept                                        40.16 1.00     1388     2163
## sigma_Intercept                                   2.05 1.01     2238     2865
## maleTRUE                                          3.45 1.00     1834     2923
## sigma_maleTRUE                                    0.07 1.00     3952     4500
## sage:educISCED3b:Uppersecondaryvocational_1       3.91 1.00     1672     1974
## sage:educISCED1:Primary_1                         7.98 1.00      769      718
## sage:educISCED2:Lowersecondary_1                 10.99 1.00     1417      997
## sage:educISCED3a:Uppersecondarygeneral_1         19.26 1.00     1954     2204
## sage:educISCED4:PostMsecondary_1                 25.27 1.00     3075     3782
## sage:educISCED5a:Tertiarye.g.college_1           68.65 1.00     1949     1786
## sage:educISCED5b:Tertiarye.g.Berufsakademie_1    29.44 1.00     3284     4519
## sage:educISCED6:PhD_1                            92.13 1.00     1766     2703
## sage:educST1:Primary_1                          109.65 1.00     1962     2178
## sage:educST2:Lowersecondary_1                   152.11 1.00     1290     1420
## sage:educST3:Intermediatesecondary_1            289.81 1.00     1242      847
## sage:educST4:Uppersecondary_1                   264.86 1.00     2016     3056
## sage:educST5:Comprehensiveschool_1              245.72 1.00     1045      933
## sage:educST6:Otherschool_1                      225.97 1.01     1018      470
## sage:educST7:Nolongeratschool_1                 214.00 1.01      486      602
## sigma_sage_1                                      1.34 1.00     2216     1857
## Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
## and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
## scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Despite the boosted adapt_delta, we still had 2 divergent transitions. However, we reran this model multiple times with different adapt_delta and sometimes had up to 100 divergent transitions without affecting the fit of the model. We can conclude that the 4 chains converged since the Rhats are consistently \(<1.01\). We see that the sd Estimates of the random intercepts for \(\sigma\) are pretty small so we don’t expect large variations in the residual variance depending on the predictors. Larger sds can be observed for predicting \mu (i.e., the actual CFT 20-R Scores). Males scored on average 0.96 on CFT 20-R than females. Spline related estimates are much harder to interpret so instead we’ll at some plots.

3.2.2 Check general model fit


y <- tl_no_1st_twins$cft
yrep <- posterior_predict(brm_age_by_educ, newdata = tl_no_1st_twins, ndraws = 1000)
ppc_pit_ecdf(y, yrep, prob = 0.99, plot_diff = TRUE)

ppc_pit_ecdf(y, yrep, prob = 0.99, plot_diff = FALSE)

3.2.3 Check fit within age groups

t <- tl_no_1st_twins %>% 

yrep <- posterior_predict(brm_age_by_educ, newdata = t, ndraws = 1000)

p <- ppc_pit_ecdf_grouped(t$cft, yrep, group = as.factor(t$age_group), prob = 0.99, plot_diff = F)


3.2.4 R2

##    Estimate Est.Error   Q2.5  Q97.5
## R2   0.3049  0.007551 0.2899 0.3196

3.2.5 Prediction plots for education and migration background

plot_predictions(brm_age_by_educ,  condition = c("educ"), allow_new_levels = T) + 
  labs(x = "Education", y = "CFT 20-R Score") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1),
    plot.margin = margin(0.8, 2, 0.8, 2, "cm")) 

We see that means differ considerably across categories of educ. The large 95% CIs are for the school type categories, i.e., those which have no observations at ages older than 18.

plot_predictions(brm_age_by_educ,  condition = c("mig"), allow_new_levels = T)   + 
  labs(x = "Migration Background", y = "CFT 20-R Score") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1),
    plot.margin = margin(0.8, 2, 0.8, 1.4, "cm"))

Less variation among migration categories.

3.2.6 Plots of the conditional age splines

distinct_tl <- tl_no_1st_twins %>%
  select(age, educ, mig, male) %>%
  mutate(male = FALSE, mig = "Citizen: No mig background") %>%

fitted_tl <- fitted(brm_age_by_educ, newdata = distinct_tl, summary = T, ndraws = 1000, probs = c(0.20, 0.80)) %>% as_tibble() %>%
  bind_cols(distinct_tl) %>%
    school_type = case_when(
      str_detect(educ, "ST") ~ educ,
      TRUE ~ NA_character_
    school_type = str_replace(school_type, "^[^ ]* ", ""),
    isced = case_when(
      str_detect(educ, "ST") ~ NA_character_,
      TRUE ~ educ
    isced = str_replace(isced, "^[^ ]* ", "")

fitted_ST <- fitted_tl %>% 
  filter(! & age <= 18)

fitted_ISCED <- fitted_tl %>% 
  filter(! & (age >= 19 & age <= 65) & !(age <= 21 & isced == "5a: Tertiary, e.g., college"))

max_age_per_ST <- fitted_ST %>%
                     group_by(school_type) %>%
                     summarise(max_age = max(age, na.rm = TRUE))

labels <- fitted_ST %>%
                inner_join(max_age_per_ST, by = "school_type") %>%
                filter(age == max_age)

# colour palette from
ggplot(data = fitted_ST, aes(x = age, y = Estimate, ymin = Q20, ymax = Q80, color = school_type, fill = school_type)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(12, 18, by = 2),
                   expand = expansion(add = c(0, 2))) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.2, linewidth = .01) + 
  labs(x = "Age", y = "CFT 20-R Score", colour = "School Type") +
  geom_text_repel(data = labels %>% arrange(school_type),
    aes(label = c(school_type[1:5], "", school_type[7])), family = "Times", seed = 810, xlim = c(18.3, 20)) +
  geom_text_repel(data = labels %>% arrange(school_type),
    aes(label = c("", "", "", "", "", school_type[6], "")), family = "Times", nudge_x = 1.2, seed = 810) +
                       # Und bist du erst mein ehlich Weib,
                       # Dann bist du zu beneiden,
                       # Dann lebst du in lauter Zeitvertreib,
                       # In lauter Pläsier und Freuden.
                       # Und wenn du schiltst und wenn du tobst,
                       # Ich werd es geduldig leiden;
                       # Doch wenn du mein ggplot nicht lobst,
                       # Laß ich mich von dir scheiden.
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3),
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#009292","#000000","#ff6db6","#006ddb","#920000", "#490092","#6db6ff")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#009292","#000000","#ff6db6","#006ddb","#920000", "#490092","#6db6ff"))

max_age_per_isced <- fitted_ISCED %>%
                     group_by(isced) %>%
                     summarise(max_age = max(age, na.rm = TRUE))

labels <- fitted_ISCED %>%
                inner_join(max_age_per_isced, by = "isced") %>%
                filter(age == max_age)

ggplot(data = fitted_ISCED, aes(x = age, y = Estimate, ymin = Q20, ymax = Q80, color = isced, fill = isced)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(19, 65, by = 9),
                     expand = expansion(add = c(1, 21)))  +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = .3, linewidth = .5) +
  labs(x = "Age", y = "CFT 20-R Score", colour = "ISCED 1997 Code")  +
  geom_text_repel(data = labels %>%
    aes(label = isced), family = "Times", seed = 810, xlim = c(65, 100)) + 
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_line(linetype = "dashed", size = 0.3),
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "none"
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#b66dff","#6db6ff","#009292", "#920000","#924900","#490092","#24ff24","#000000")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#b66dff","#6db6ff","#009292", "#920000","#924900","#490092","#24ff24","#000000"))

3.2.7 Sigma spline

plot(conditional_smooths(brm_age_by_educ), ask = FALSE, plot = FALSE)[[2]] 

As expected, not much happening in the \(\sigma\) domain.

4 Poststratifcation

This is the P part of MRP.

4.1 Simulate a sample with the same joint distribution as the census

sim_pop_sample <- census %>% 
  filter(age <= 65) %>% 
  sample_n(size = 100000, # total census_n in the PS table is 6773812
           weight = census_n, 
           replace = TRUE)

This code achieves this by creating a fake sample (N = 100000) in which the subgroup sample sizes are proportional to the sizes of the subgroups in the poststratification table. For example, if the subgroup consisting of the combination age = 12, male = TRUE, educ = Lower secondary, mig = Citizen: no migration background represents 0.2% of the total population (sum of the ns of all subgroups in the poststratification table census), then about 200 out of the 100,000 rows in sim_pop_sample will have this specific combination. replace was set to TRUE so that any given combination can be sampled more than once.

4.2 Estimate CFT 20-R for those simulated participants

Now that we have a post-stratified sample, we can use tidybayes’s add_predicted_draws() function to draw 1000 samples (i.e., CFT 20-R Scores) from the posterior for each one of the 10000 simulated participants in sim_pop_sample:

sim_pop_sample_with_draws <- sim_pop_sample %>%
                      ndraws = 1000, 
                      seed = 810, 
                      allow_new_levels = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(.prediction = round(case_when(.prediction < 0 ~ 0, 
                                 .prediction > 56 ~ 56,
                                 TRUE ~ .prediction)))

saveRDS(sim_pop_sample_with_draws, "data/simulated/sim_pop_sample_with_draws.rds")

# alternatively, import the version simulated using the brm we ran on the actual TL data
# sim_pop_sample_with_draws <- read_rds("data/simulated/sim_pop_sample_with_draws.rds")

This yields a dataframe in long format with 100000 (number of simulated participants) * 1000 (number of draws from the posterior) = 100 million rows. allow_new_levels = TRUE is necessary for estimating the outcome for combinations of the 4 predictors which do not occur in the actual TL sample. This is inevitable in detailed enough poststratification tables and was the case here as the poststratification table we used had 6528 subcategories/rows. It wasn’t the product of the number of categories of the four predictors \(69*2*15*6\) because a lot of combinations of the variables were impossible, e.g., a PhD at the age of 11. The mutate() call serves to set all predicted CFT 20-R 20-R score scores which go below or above the scale limits (0 and 56, respectively), to those scale limits.

5 Produce norms

5.1 Age group means and SDs

Here we aggregate the intelligence scores by age and compute the MRP corrected means and SDs (+ their SEs) for each age group:

means_sds_and_ses_MRP <- sim_pop_sample_with_draws %>%
  group_by(age, .draw) %>% 
  summarise(mean_prediction = mean(.prediction), 
            sd_prediction = sd(.prediction)) %>%
  group_by(age) %>% 
  summarise(MRP_mean = mean(mean_prediction), 
            MRP_se_of_mean = sd(mean_prediction), 
            MRP_sd = sqrt(mean(sd_prediction^2)), 
            MRP_se_of_sd = sd(sd_prediction))
means_sds_and_ses_MRP %>% head(14) %>% kable(digits = 2) %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
age MRP_mean MRP_se_of_mean MRP_sd MRP_se_of_sd
11 31.38 0.32 7.74 0.22
12 32.13 0.30 7.88 0.23
13 33.40 0.30 7.99 0.24
14 34.56 0.30 8.04 0.23
15 35.47 0.34 8.13 0.23
16 36.75 0.32 8.01 0.22
17 38.42 0.29 7.88 0.19
18 39.09 0.34 7.79 0.22
19 38.05 0.87 8.15 0.30
20 38.95 0.47 8.08 0.26
21 38.87 0.35 8.07 0.23
22 38.61 0.30 8.06 0.19
23 38.26 0.29 8.11 0.19
24 38.12 0.28 8.05 0.20

This code chunk first aggregates by age and posterior draw (1000) to compute the mean and SD of CFT 20-R estimates across the 100000 simulated participants. Then it computes the means and SDs across the draws (which form the MRP means and SDs for each age group) and the SDs of the means and SDs calculated in the previous step, hence yielding the Bayesian SEs of the MRP means and SDs, respectively. Et voilà, an MRP corrected norm means and SDs! Here the 14 first rows are shown.

5.2 Age norm tables

5.2.1 Linearly transformed IQs

Here we calculate linearly transformed IQs for all cft scores that occur in the poststratified sample.

iq <- function(cft_score, mean, sd) {
  iq_score <- ((cft_score - mean) / sd) * 15 + 100

iqs_linear <- sim_pop_sample_with_draws %>% 
  filter(age <= 65) %>% 
  left_join(select(means_sds_and_ses_MRP, c(MRP_mean, MRP_sd, age)), by = "age") %>%
  group_by(age, raw_score = .prediction) %>%
  summarise(MRP_IQ_linear = round(mean(iq(raw_score, MRP_mean, MRP_sd))))

iqs_linear %>% head(14) %>% kable %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
age raw_score MRP_IQ_linear
11 0 39
11 1 41
11 2 43
11 3 45
11 4 47
11 5 49
11 6 51
11 7 53
11 8 55
11 9 57
11 10 59
11 11 61
11 12 62
11 13 64

5.2.2 Normalised (area transformed / normal rank transformed) IQs

Here we calculate normal rank transformed IQs for all cft scores that occur in the poststratified sample.

iqs_normalised <- sim_pop_sample_with_draws  %>% 
  filter(age <= 65) %>%
  rename(raw_score = .prediction) %>%
  group_by(age, .draw) %>%
  mutate(n = n(),
         normal_transformed_score = qnorm((rank(raw_score) - 0.5) / n)) %>%
  mutate(iq_score = normal_transformed_score * 15 + 100) %>%
  group_by(age, raw_score) %>%
  summarise(MRP_IQ_normalised = round(mean(iq_score)))

iqs_normalised %>% head(14) %>% kable %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
age raw_score MRP_IQ_normalised
11 0 50
11 1 51
11 2 51
11 3 51
11 4 53
11 5 54
11 6 55
11 7 56
11 8 58
11 9 60
11 10 61
11 11 63
11 12 64
11 13 66

6 Session info

## R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Rocky Linux 8.8 (Green Obsidian)
## Matrix products: default
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## other attached packages:
##  [1] bayesplot_1.10.0       marginaleffects_0.16.0 tidybayes_3.0.6       
##  [4] brms_2.20.4            Rcpp_1.0.11            kableExtra_1.3.4      
##  [7] ggrepel_0.9.4          forcats_1.0.0          stringr_1.5.1         
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## [13] tidyr_1.3.0            tibble_3.2.1           ggplot2_3.4.4         
## [16] tidyverse_1.3.2       
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